Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Something happened today that left me nearly speechless. No small feat.

I'm busting my Sin City cherry in a couple of months. That's right, I'm going to Vegas! It's a place I've always wanted to go to, just to say I've been... once. Anytime Big Joz and I have been in a casino (which number maybe 9 at the most), we've each been alloted a certain amount of money (typically $20 each) to "blow". The very first time we ever went to a casino, Big Joz blew $100 in the first... oh... 27 seconds. Then he wanted to get money out of the ATM machine. Then he wanted to get an advance on his credit card. Then he wanted to get an advance on MY credit card. Then he wanted to sell our first-born child. Big Joz is now only ever allowed to walk in a casino with a $20 bill... no plastic of any sort!!

All that to say... a gambler, I'm not. But a sightseer and adventurer, I am!!

So, I'll be making the maiden voyage to Vegas for a work trip. I'm doing some continuing education for my job and will be earning credits toward certification. In order to earn the money for my trip, members of the church where I work are being asked (voluntarily) to sponsor different parts of the trip, such as different classes, nights of lodging, so many miles of airfare, etc. In addition, Big Joz and I will be catering a "Sunday lunch" in a couple of weeks with all proceeds going to pay for trip expenses.

The first donations came in Sunday and I was pleasantly surprised. I've always been told what a generous congregation this was and after my love gift at Christmas, I learned first hand. Anyway, a few other people have asked, inquired and discussed with me how they'd like to help me, which has excited me to no end. I will celebrate my first anniversary with this church tomorrow and I absolutely LOVE my job. Ask anyone who knows me... they can attest to it!

I should mention that I'm a church secretary... at a denomation that's different than where I'm a member (and where I worked previously). When I worked at my previous church job, I asked if the church would pay my annual dues to my professional assocation (which were $50 annually). I was quickly told no, that there were no funds available. Period. I was very disappointed since I knew that $50 in that particular church's budget wouldn't even cause the water to stir around.

In order to maintain my certification with Church A, I'm required to attend a national conference every 4 years. Church B funded my trip to Church A's national conference this spring... and were supportive. I couldn't ask Church B to pay for a second national conference in one year. Besides... this trip will be more costly since I'll have to purchase an airline ticket.

I'm really digressing. Sorry. It's the Coco Beach.

Today, I received a donation to the "Send Mama Joz to Sin City" fund. A person I didn't know at all before I started work there but have gotten to know a little and am really fond of, had mailed a check for $500. I was absolutely dumbfounded when I opened the envelope. I checked to make sure that the words "five hundred" were actually written out; that the person hadn't meant $5 or $50... "five hundred" was actually written out. Wow! I can't express how humbled I felt. Someone I didn't know a year ago was investing $500 (that's a LOT of money!) in me... in my education.

I am SOO SOO grateful. Not only for this wonderful gift, but for the opportunity to work for a group of people who believe in me and what I do. This past year has been the best year of my work career. I feel loved, appreciated, supported. That's priceless. I absolutely LOVE my job and the people I work for! I am overwhelmed by their love and generosity!