Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Mother!

Today is my mother's 65th birthday. I used to think that was old. But I'll assure you...my mother doesn't act old! She's actually quite a hoot! I've got lots of "Mother" stories I can share with you. But not tonight.

Tonight I just simply wish the best for the woman who raised me and gave me lots of great advice along the way.

One of my favorites....one day my armpits itched really bad for no apparent reason. My mother, being a diabetic and self-professed knower-of-all-things medical, said very matter-of-factly, "Well, you know what that is." Replying that I didn't, she informed me, "It's either a sign of diabetes or bad deodorant."

She's such a help!

Happy Birthday Mother...I love you!

Blue bouncy bits of food in between my teeth

OK...actually they aren't blue. But they are bouncy. Sort of. And they're really not even bits of food. But they are in between my teeth!

I got spacers this morning. Six of them. Last month, I got nine brackets on my upper teeth. The spacers will help make room for the bands I will get (both upper and lower) in a couple more weeks.

This is my third set of braces. Kids...listen to me...WEAR YOUR RETAINERS! Otherwise you'll be 38 years old, having oral spacing issues and wondering just how much fun it is to pay for your own orthodontia!

Our Christmas pictures will show our affluence this year...with three family members in braces at the same time, you know we must be rich!

No longer a blog virgin

Well, here I am. With my first blog post. What should I write about?

The fact that I ate two bowls of homemade beef stew for lunch, followed by a delicious slice of my friend Elizabeth's mother's homemade chocolate cake with fudge icing? Or the fact that I feel like I could throw up? Maybe I'll just take a nap. No...wait a minute. I can't do that...I'm at work!

Back to reality...welcome to my blog. Actually, I don't know who I'm "welcoming"....who will read this? My family? Probably not. My friends? Maybe. Do I really want anyone to read my deepest, darkest thoughts?? Probably not...but maybe. I just may have fun with this new endeavor of mine.

Stay tuned for more convoluted thoughts from my crazy mind!