Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Abscessed Anal Gland

Saturday afternoon I noticed this very angry raw spot on our cat Lucky's back end. I was certain that Jimmy Hoffman had chewed a plug out of Lucky's butt.

Jimmy Hoffman is our newest cat. He's not really new, though. He's exactly the same age as Lucky (which I think is about 7 1/2 years old, but I really can't remember how long it's been since the morning Ross announced that there was something coming out of Cleo's butt...I think he might have been in the 4th grade, come to think of it). Jimmy Hoffman is Lucky's brother but they haven't seen each other since their tiny kitten days. My friend Ronda adopted Jimmy, but named him Oreo. For various reasons, she no longer wanted Oreo to live at her house. She had planned on putting him down, but I just couldn't stand that thought since he wasn't sick or anything. So we adopted Oreo Labor Day weekend.

We renamed Oreo to Jimmy Hoffa because trying to find him those first couple of weeks was nearly impossible. He just disappeared all the time. One of our closer family members who shall remain nameless (not for safety and all, but just because it's not nice to poke fun!) frequently says things incorrectly; not necessarily mispronouncing, mind you. Just saying things wrong. A lot. It's become an inside joke with Big Joz, Bud, Pud & me. So, Oreo became Jimmy Hoffa who became Jimmy Hoffman. I digress. I'm good at digressing.

Back to the very angry raw spot on Lucky's butt. Bud & I took him to the vet yesterday. Lucky peed in the pet carrier about 42 seconds into the journey to see the doctor. Luckily our very wonderful and very experienced doctor quickly pronounced that this was not a bite at all but an abscessed anal gland. Lucky got a shot and we were given oral antibiotics to give to Lucky twice a day for a week. Then we were on our way. Lucky pooped in the pet carrier about a minute and 19 seconds into the journey home. Lucky is not a good traveler.

By the way, the incorrectly accused Jimmy Hoffman no longer lives at our house.

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